my life

My name is Alejandra Rueda Castro, I was born on November 8, 2001 in Santa Marta, Colombia. I live with my mom, my dad and my sister; My mother's name is Alix Castro Suarez, my father is called Omar Rueda Rey and my sister is called Mariana Rueda Castro. I moved to Barranquilla when I was 10 years old and since then I live in Barranquilla and I like it a lot, here I have many friends and I am very happy here.
When I lived in Santa Marta I studied until the third grade of primary school, I do not remember much about my life in Santa Marta but I have a good time there. When I moved to Barranquilla, it hit me hard but I do not intend to ever return to Santa Marta, I do not change Barranquilla for anything in the world.

When I enter in the lyndon b. johnson school everything was great, in my first day they welcomed me very well, I remember that on my first day I met some girls that until today are my best friends and one of the most important people in my life since they have always been with me when I need them, in the best times and also in the worst and I know that whatever happens, I will be able to count on them


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